Egg Donation

I am an egg donor, and here you'll find details of my donation cycles. Go to the beginning of the blog for day-by-day details of each cycle. Questions or Comments? Email

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

I'm Free!!

Yesterday was a very irritating day for me. There were a lot of irritating things PLUS this background headache I've had for a full week because of the stupid birth control pills. So I woke up at 6:15 this morning. That's like the middle of the night for me, as I usually do to bed around 2 or 3 am. I woke up and started having an argument in my head with the clinic about the birth control pills.

I don't just talk to myself. I have ARGUMENTS.

As the previous post indicates, I'm picked for a shared cycle, but there isn't a second recipient yet. Basically, I'm on standby until that person shows up and picks me, and then the two families get their cycles all worked out to be ahead of mine. I was thinking, "that could take MONTHS! I don't want to be on birth control with 1/4 of my life all miserable from the headache, not to mention all the other effects that I'm probably used to by now because I've been on this stuff for so long. I'M TAKING A STAND!! NO MORE PILLS! NO MORE PILLS!"

So I readied myself for a fight and headed down to the clinic. The fact that I was in a fighting mood attests to how bad yesterday was. There is never a need to fight with the wonderful people at my clinic.

When I got there, they showed me into the "conference" room (cushy red chairs, fancy antique tables, etc.) instead of the exam room. The donor coordinator came in and apologized for not calling me. I didn't need to come in today, since I wasn't going into a cycle. And, she said, "I thought maybe you wanted the birth control pills, but I don't know why you would take them unless you need to. These things will make you crazy."

So much for needing to fight. I didn't even have to bring it up.

So HORAY!! I'm now free for months from taking those goddam things. I envision a happy, stress-free time, where I lose 10 pounds and am nicer to my husband. It really wasn't until just this week that I realized how much they were affecting me. It's not enough to stop me from donating, but I certainly won't be sorry when my future is totally free from any more of those pills.


At 2:49 PM , Blogger Jen said...

Hey, Susan-

I've had *every* sonogram during my period. They always have them scheduled during the 2nd or 3rd day (on purpose). It did kind of freak me out the first time. I try not to look at the wand when they're done because I don't want to witness the carnage.

Now that you mention it, yeah - it's pretty gross. I guess they are used to it....

-egg donor

At 6:53 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, dude. The thought of flinging tampons made me laugh so hard that my dogs freaked out.

I always get to visit the bathroom to clean up first. I take advantage of the little whipies they have in there for clean catch urine samples. I also shower throughly before I leave the house. :)


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